New ABC Poll Shows A NEW Record For President Trump’s Approval Ratings! WOULD YOU VOTE FOR TRUMP AGAIN IN 2020?

Even though some claim that President Trump has an all-time low approval rating at the 100-day point, Americas who supported him in the election would undoubtedly still do so, a fresh poll indicated.
One ABC News/Washington Post poll stationed Trump’s approval rating at 42 percent, accompanied by a disapproval rating of 53 percent. More so, the average for previous presidents near 100 days in office is 69 percent approval and 19 percent disapproval, ABC noted.

However, people who voted for the president have no regrets whatsoever. We know from the poll that no less than 96 percent of those who voted for Trump back in November would do that again today, ABC noted.

Additionally, the poll found 67 percent are certain the Democratic party is very distant from the issues of the everyday Americans. On top of that, Trump also got high rankings for insisting and fighting for companies to remain in the U.S. (73 percent) and 51 percent approved of his missile strike on Syria from not too long ago.

The specifics of the poll were: 1,004 adults surveyed April 17-20 with an error margin of 3.5 percentage points.

Are you still approving of Trump as a President? Tell us in the comment section.



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