The relation between the Pharaohs and The Jinn

Best known pharaohs with their capabilities of magic to harness the jinn and to help them through the show the capabilities of abnormal things during religious rituals to show the kings of the pharaohs and priests are the sons of gods and they were thinking the Jinn will be their slaves in life post-death.
Actually their lives had part of this magic and they had many perceptions rely on that. They were clever in this and we can see many signs tell us about that especially in the book of death there are many sign link their lives after death and the magic.
The priests also used the jinn to protect the graves of the kings and queens of theft so always we can find curse words and threats at the gates of the graves
The priests used the Jinn Kings to protect the tombs and perhaps this is the reason for the curse of the pharaohs because the Jinn chasing steals tombs of the pharaohs and kings and some writers wrote Titanic ship sank because of a Pharaonic mummy inside the ship.

Now, as especially in Upper Egypt is searching for treasures inside the tombs resort to magicians and have great regard so that it can provide offerings to this great the Jinn.
Which has been guarding the graves, and sometimes those offerings up murdering toddler certain specifications to find the entrance to the cemetery, but in the case of the tomb was opened without the desire of the jinn, we find that their homes are burned without reason and see the flames appear and disappear for no reason and birds flaming fly in the night of the village to burn more of the village houses
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